
This afternoon in Vipingo, we were welcomed by the whole school outside singing! After the amazing welcome song was over we were escorted into the church where the students had prepared a program for us to express their thankfulness to Fox River for providing uniforms, food and a good school. I have to say that the girls’ choir that preformed for us today were amazing; I am very excited to report that they are off to nationals soon! Once the program ended, Pastor Guy brought the Fox River team up on the stage and talked about how each precious child sitting in front of the team was sponsored by someone at Fox River. The sponsor responded to the needs of the children and obyed God's call to give a child a better story and to make a difference in their lives! The Fox River team presented team jerseys to the Kenyan team. We might not all live and work together but without each other we wouldn’t be able to impact so many lives. We like to use the jerseys to show that we are all one team, working together serving the same God on two different sides of the world! Our Kenyan partners recently celebrated the completion of the school building in Vipingo. God is good, all the time.

We spent plenty of time playing crazy American games before each team member partnered up with a Kenyan staff member for a tour around the school. The Kenyan staff members explained to their American guests all about their job at the school to include some life experiences. It was really a blessing to see how God opened hearts for some really great conversations.

The last thing the team had to do today was stay up until 9 pm! I know it sounds funny but this helped them adjust to the eight hour time change difference…I will update you tomorrow on how they all really did =)




















Be Great. Serve!

The late start was a great blessing after being up till 5:30am!We were challenged with John 13, when Jesus got up from dinner and washed his disciples feet.

After that, he poured water into a large bowl. Then he began to wash his disciples' feet. He dried them with the towel that was wrapped around him. John‬ ‭13‬:‭5‬ NIRV

We were given a towel that says Be Great. Serve! and challenged to keep them with us and watch for when God opens a door to use it. Along with that Pastor Guy also challenged us to ask ourself 'What was the blessing of the day and journal about it.'

Off for a quick lunch and then to Vipingo!





Pastor Guy & Denise in Kenya

Guy and I arrived in Kenya Friday afternoon. We have been blessed to spend some time with our partners here in Kenya as we prepare for the Kenya team to arrive. Guy is preaching at Crossroads Fellowship in Mombasa tomorrow morning. He is doing a 3 week series on saying YES! to God. The team departs from Fox River at 5pm on Sunday/tomorrow and will arrive at 3am in Mombasa on Tuesday. It's a long, tiring journey. Please pray for them as they travel: for safety, smooth connections, grace and some sleep along the way.

Thank you for partnering with us through prayer!
