Prep day

The summer team headed to their safari today so Michelle and I worked with Liz, preparing for the medical clinics next week. We printed out the physical exam forms to be used when the children are seen by the team of doctors. To make the process more efficient, we spent the day at 2 of the schools recording the demographic info, height, and weight for each child. This was a fun day spending more time with the children and teachers.
Michelle getting weights...


weight (2)
I took height measurements....
Until I could find help with that exhausting task :-)

helper Liz was a great help recording the info on the exam sheets...(not to mention pronouncing their names) helper Liz And after the work at the centers we got back to the hotel and began prep for the next day. prep Did I mention the large insects they have here? bug Don't worry team, we have plenty of work to do once you arrive! The work we get done these next couple days will allow us to see more people during the clinic days. We are excited as the time approaches quickly!


The medical team has been working very hard over the past months to collect supplies to bring to Kenya for the medical clinics. Thank you to all who made donations, helped with packing day and helped collect supplies and vitamins. We will be able to work with the children in our centers and in the communities, providing basic health care and health promotion because of the hard work and generosity of many people. supplies


The team leaves Fox River Friday night to begin their travels here. Michelle and I will be praying for your safe journey and looking forward to beginning our mission work with you. Safe journey friends. See you soon.