2014 - Nicaragua Young Adult

Nicaragua - Day 2

The first night on the mountain went well for the team. Today began with a water shortage, but that was soon remedied by our beloved friend Don Hugo. The morning activity was a VBS at the grade school near the church in La Esmeralda. They brought the children to the church for the activities. There were 75-100 children from age 4 to grade 5. The event went well and was a good first run at what will be repeated in several other schools in the area over the next few days. They have prepared a Bible lesson, a craft and outside activities for the children.

After lunch the group prepared for field games in the late afternoon. There is a field about a 10 minute walk from the clinic that is used for the sports program that Fox River supports in the community. On Mondays they play field games before the soccer teams practice. The team planned the games for today.

The rain fell as they walked to the field. They pushed through during periods of rain and had great fun with the students that came. When it was time for the soccer teams to practice the girls returned to the Morena House to shower while the guys stayed to play with the teams. All in all, they enjoyed the time!

The Morena House is a large house next to the clinic that is leased by the government to be used from time to time when officials are working in the community. They have agreed to allow us to use it to house our teams. It has large rooms to form a girls dorm and a guys dorm. Meals are eaten under the pavilion at the clinic because the meals are all prepared in the kitchen at the clinic.

Just one was a bit under the weather today, but seems to be doing fine after an afternoon nap. The report is that the team is doing great! They are working well together and enjoying serving together.

I hope to have pictures to share with you tomorrow. Thank you for praying!!


Nicaragua Team in La Esmeralda

I received a message from the team. They made it safely up the mountain in time for the morning service. In the afternoon they were preparing for the week's activities and then back to church for another service this evening. Tomorrow they begin with their first vacation bible school program in the public schools in the area.

Communication from the mountain is very hard, but we plan to find a way to connect each day. I will post what I hear and share pictures if someone can get to a place with wifi to send them.

Thank you for praying for this team of young adults as they grow the relationship between Fox River and La Esmeralda. Please pray for health, safety, good weather, good spirits and the ability to overcome the language barrier in order to share the love of God.

Nicaragua: God is Good!

We were very blessed today with God's traveling mercy! We made all of our flights, all of our bags arrived, customs didn't give us a hard time, we made it to the hotel safe, and just had a hot meal! God has been good to us today! The team is growing closer as they spent the day traveling together, please pray that God will help us continue to grow closer together so we can serve Him at our full potential!I have to say the team is all in bed after the long day of traveling. Tomorrow is another early start at 6:30am, we will be heading up the rest of the way and settling in to the mountain side for the week! I'm so excited as we are almost there and our partners there have sent word on the buzz and excitement that is in the community about us coming. Please join us in praying for a safe journey!






