Missions is something that everyone can be involved in. No matter what age you are, what job you have, or how your health is. Just because you can’t go on a trip, can’t support monetarily, or maybe there is something else keeping you from getting involved.
Let me share with you all the ways you can support and be involved in Fox River Missions.
#1 PRAY! Did you know that your prayer makes a difference? Let me share a story with you...
Scott, went on one of the construction trips (6 or 7 years ago) to build the medical clinic in La Esmeralda, Nicaragua while he was there he worked with the Nicaraguans from the community. He made a decision that week to pray for one of them for the rest of his life. Knowing that he may never know what came of this child’s life. Years later, Scott, had the opportunity to go back to Nicaragua on a Medical team to work in the clinic. One night a young man was sharing his story with the team. A story of heartbreak and struggles, a story of a young man who decided to give up everything to follow God. After he finished sharing his story, Scott was able to talk with him and share that even though in those trials it seemed he had been alone, he never was because, he was always praying for him. Jorvin is now studying so that he can continue to dedicate his life to full time ministry! Prayer changes lives!