Things are going on well.

We are off and running! There has been so much that we have been up to since arriving in Kenya I would like to show you some pictures and tell you about them.

20120615-043051.jpg It's very so exciting to be back in Kenya and see so many kids that are over that joyed you came to see them!

20120615-043344.jpg We have met the new nurse that we are very excited about! God has provided someone to help look after our kids in between our medical team visits.

20120615-043507.jpg I jumped right in and was helping give haircuts; it was so much fun! All the kids were shocked I knew how to cut their hair and kept laughing while I was shaving it.



20120615-043740.jpg The last two days Denise and I spent time with the kids taking there pictures and reading my favorite book from when I was a kid - The tail of the three trees.

20120615-043918.jpg One of the blessings for me is getting to know the staff. We were able to spend time with them and encouraging one other. It is so awesome that we can all serve the same God all over the world!


20120615-044156.jpg Pastor Guy has been one of the speakers teaching at the pastors conference in Vipingo. The last two days have been an enriching time for all of them. He said that this has truly been the best conference he has been a part of there. The pastor’s love being able to ask him questions and learn new insights.

20120615-044319.jpg If you look close at the picture you can see that it’s raining - rain on your day here is considered a blessing. Here in Kenya the rain comes and goes really fast – 2 minutes fast some times and this was one of those times!


20120615-044558.jpg He was also able to participate in helping with the bible college graduation for the 5th year. It's always something he looks forward to.

Please continue to pray for the pastors conference as it is wrapping up tomorrow and the pastors will be traveling back to their home villages. The Fox River Team leaves on Sunday night. Please pray for good health and safe travails as they start the Kenya adventure on Sunday! We can't wait for them to join us!