Bomani Community Day

We started off the day by going to church at Crossroads Fellowship where they were having their 10th anniversary service, Pastor Guy did the message. The church did cardboard testimonies that some of you might remember back when we did them. If you haven't seen it before google it - its really good. One of my good Kenyan friends gave her cardboard testimony and it was surprising to me at what she had on her board. (see pic below) It was amazing to see how God has used her to do so many great things for Him and never complain about her hardship because of life's circumstance. To see her faith and how she trusts in God everyday that His plan seems like the perfect challenge to me. Are we all living in search of Gods plan and trusting in Him that His plan is perfect? In the afternoon we spent time at Bomani reaching out to the community and sewing seeds of hope in their life. We spent time with the kids and people from the community just enjoying the afternoon together. We played in the volleyball tournament and won! It was so close that it came down to last game and wining by 1 point! At the end of the day Pastor Guy shared about a free gift that God has for each one of us just like the free gift of flour and beans we were giving to the people of Bomani and all they have to do is take it. What would your friends say if you passed up free food supplies? Just like passing up the food we need to make sure we are taking Gods free gift.

We have reached the halfway point of this amazing mission trip but our work is not even half way done. Please continue to pray for our team as we still run into new trials and triumphs every day. We know God has a reason behind all of the obstacles that have come in our way but we serve an almighty and powerful God! All of us can't WAIT to get back to Bomani to do activities with the children tomorrow but this feeling will be bittersweet as most of us will be saying goodbye to many children and teachers that we have connected with.










