A Day to Remember

We hit the ground running today! We finished off the roofing, hung 6 swings and made 9 picnic tables. It may not sound like a lot, but we really did rock it out this morning so that we could pack up the tool room and head to the waterfall for some baptisms. The morning went so fast and before we knew it we were putting the swings up on the playground as the final piece. The kids went crazy over them and there were lines for the swings. It was so fun to see the children enjoying their new jungle gym!

As we drove off, it was amazing to look out the back window and see how much we were able to do in just days! God has blessed us to be able to help reach this community with the gospel. Where once there was a muddy field there is now the major reference point for the area. Brian was telling me how addresses are based off of large monuments or attraction points. He said the clinic has now become the biggest attraction in the area.

Three of the local coffee farmers are going to pay for the materials to put a cement floor in the pavilion and people from the church are going to put it down. We had one of the guys working with Dan today on a sidewalk and he was really good. It has been eye opening to see how big of an impact this project has already started to make in the community. They are even talking about holding the 6th grade graduation there. That is a really big deal here, like a high school graduation. It was such a privilege to be able to be apart of impacting a community in such a big way.

After the hard good byes were said we headed off to the waterfall for a few baptisms. We had quite the adventure getting to the water fall. We took the easy path or what was the easy path. I will post a pic of the road we drove over everyday and the landslide that happened right next to it going down the mountain. It turns out that where that happened was right on the path that we had to go over.

Keep in mind we are in the cloud forest (aka it rains a lot) so we got a bit muddy on our way to the baptisms, but what's a little more mud at this point, right?! As we walked through this mud slide we would sink in the mud up to our knees. Needless to say we had to help each other get through it!

We finally all made it down and enjoyed an amazing time where we got to witness 4 of our teammates proclaiming their faith through baptism. It literally brought me to tears to be able to see how God has used them from saying yes to coming and serving Him in Nicaragua to stepping out in faith, overcoming great fears to say yes to His call for them to be baptized here. Sometimes we wonder why God has us on the path He has us on in life but if we just trust Him, He will put the right things into motion and open His doors. He has done that in my life for sure and I know He has been doing a great work in other team member's lives as well.

Would you join me in praying for God to continue the work He has been doing in our lives here when we get home? It's hard coming back and readjusting after the life change that has happened. Pray that we will move forward, seeking after His next step on this journey. And continue to pray for all those we have come to love that we leave behind to reach the community of La Esmeralda for God.


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Back on the ground...for now....


Aidyn and I were able to make a craft with the kids today.


Enjoying the last day working with our friends.



4 tables later....


5 tables later....


Ready to help hang the swings!



The monkey is back at it!


The never ending "finishing the roof" is now over!


we have 30 min lets do one more project....lets make them a cloths line!



Some of the guys blessed the guys that had given there time to come and help out by giving them there tool belt.


The first thing to be done in the pavilion.



On the way to the waterfall.....crossing the landslide


The road we drove over everyday!








One last dip in the mud!


Our crew!