After Africa

Life when you come home is never the same and it shouldn’t be. Everyone coming back will have different take a ways. We have just spent the last two weeks serving and giving to people who don’t have as much as we brought in our suitcase but they gave more joy and blessings to us then we could ever give to them! It’s overwhelming to see their living conditions, life style, heath conditions and culture differences but then to try and put all that into words for people is almost impossible. My challenge is for you today is to not ask people “how was your trip” but ask them one of these questions: What was a defining moment for you on your trip? What impacted you the most? How will your life be different because of your time in Kenya?

650 children, 50 staff, and a couple of pastors whose lives will never be the same because of people of Fox River Christian Church giving their time, talent, and resources. These people will never be the same just like the team will never be the same! The people in our centers and churches in Kenya say “Asante Sana” (thank you very much) because they don’t know where they would be without Fox River, but we in return say that we don’t know where we would be without them. God tells us to go into the entire world and preach the gospel but that would not be possible without a partnership like this and it takes all of us serving one God in the ways He has blessed us with to make a lasting impact. Impacting a generation most of us will never get to see the full fruits of but by faith we give in hopes that the next generations after us will continue doing the same! Asante Sana!










