Fun in the sun!

We started off this morning with the Director of MANNA Worldwide, Bruce O’Neal, sharing his testimony with the group. Bruce said he came from a non-Christian family with an alcoholic father. It wasn’t until Bruce was 29 years old that God showed him there was more to life then just being a successful businessman. After Bruce gave his life to Christ, he sold everything they had, went to Bible College, and joined the mission field. Bruce and his wife Pam were on the mission field for over 10 years. Then God moved in his life to start MANNA. God brought Fox River and MANNA together in 2006 and started moving in ways we could have never imagined. Bruce challenged us with this, “If you think your ministry is only this week and a half here in Kenya, you’re wrong! Your biggest ministry is to go home after this and share with others what is going on here! To take what happens here and spark a change in your life, to have a fire for what is happening here in Kenya and get others to join in!” After Bruce’s speech, we headed down to the beach for some fun in the sun with our Class 7 students. We learned that 10 am doesn’t really mean 10 am. Kenya time works like this…set up a time to meet…then you should add at least 20 minutes!! =). Consequently, half of the children where late, but it ended up working out. We took what I call a Sea Safari on the beach. We had a guide that picked up all these cool animals or sea things from the water and let us touch or hold them. We ended at our favorite ice cream shop where we treated the children to ice cream. For some children, it was their first time having ice cream. It was a blast sitting on the beach eating ice cream and building relationships with them!

Even though we were running behind all day, we still found time to head to Bomani to hang more mosquito nets. Even with the limited time, God used us in great ways to spread joy all over the village. We were also able to invite several families to the celebration day on Sunday. Along the way, Shannon ran into some of her friends from the school. Shannon was excited to see where they lived and to meet their parents.

We then had to rush back to the Neptune, shower up, and then drive over to Crossroads Church to attend a special dinner our missionaries were hosting for us. It was a night to just relax and get to know some of the staff at Crossroads. It was a great blessing to end the day with such amazing people who give everything they have to serve Jesus!

Please pray that tomorrow’s weather will cooperate for our big soccer tournament. For the last few years it has rained on this day and we have had to cancel the tournament. Let’s pray for good weather!

Heath updates: we are adjusting more to the time but still a few are having a hard time. Please keep the prayers coming!

I'm having trouble with the internet so I can't upload any more pic sorry!








