The medical team headed to Vipingo this morning and spent the day with the kids at our school. We saw all of our students in the medical clinic and in the dental clinic. We also treated members of the surrounding community. Our Fox River Team worked beside the Kenyan translators and medical team, forming friendships and solid teamwork. The collaboration among the team was very encouraging. Our team learned so much and provided quality care for hundreds of people today.
A word from Jodie:
Today was one of those experiences that I will never forget. Denis is a little six-year-old boy that had his foot run over by a motorbike several weeks ago. He walked up to me with his forearm crutches and his dad requesting we change his bandage in a private area away from the crowd. I picked him up and he clenched onto me as if he would never let go. We walked into the nurses room and I laid him down on the bed. His strength was unbelievable. He never flinched as I gently took his old bandage off, washed the wound, and wrapped his foot in a new gauze. After we were through, as I held Denis, his father, interpreters and I held hands and prayed over the little boy for healing. It's amazing to me how such a little man could have such great strength.
A Word from Michelle:
What a way to begin this mission! There were precious moments looking out at the church (where we held the clinic) to find familiar faces and smiles looking back at me from VBS the previous week. Many children in Vipingo have become so dear to my heart so I knew it would be challenging to leave. One dear friend was crying...I asked "why the tears?" As tears hit the cement, she grabbed my hand and said "you know why!" It was a beautiful moment for both of us to praise God. We praise Him for the missions within Fox River. Praise Him for creating these relationships. And praise Him through the tears for deepening our love for God and his people.