Friday in Nicaragua

The team enjoyed their last day on the mountain today as they provided fun activities for those waiting to see the doctor at the clinic. In the afternoon they were privileged to help give out some of the boots provided through the Fox River fundraiser. Those boots are an incredible blessing to each one who received a pair. Proper footwear is so important to help prevent many diseases and proper footwear in the cloud forest is boots. While not much money by American standards, they are out of the price range of many we minister to in La Esmeralda. This evening they had one last opportunity to share their My Story books and packed the bus because at 7am tomorrow/Saturday, they will load the bus for the trip down the mountain to begin their journey home. There are several on the trip who struggle with motion sickness. The main road is being repaired so they have to take a route down that takes about twice as long. There is another long journey once they are off the mountain and hit the main highway. Please pray that they will be able to avoid severe motion sickness so they can enjoy the rest of the day.

The team will go to a large lake in a volcano to enjoy some recreation and a final meeting before they head to the hotel by the airport and prepare to fly home on Sunday morning.

Please pray for them as they continue to process through all that God is showing them and doing through them because they have taken this journey. Pray for those on the mountain who have come to love them and have been touched by their acts of service. Pray for safety as they begin their journey home.

I know each one is anxious to share their story with you. You are an important part of their journey.

Thank you!