Arrival Day for Early 8

Early on Saturday morning, the first small group of 8 from the Kenya team arrived in Kenya with gratitude for uneventful flights. After a few hours of sleep we had the afternoon hours to reconnect with some very special ministries that touch ours.


The rescue center in Vipingo takes in children who have been abandoned or rescued from unsafe situations. This center was born out of the heart of our Medical Missions Director to care for these children. That desire brought together several organizations to make this important ministry become a reality. To date, 26 children have been rescued with 14 currently placed in this wonderful home.


Many years ago a Fox River Kenya team member saw a boy with Downs Syndrome wandering the streets of Vipingo and asked if we could help him. He attended the school for several years before we knew we had to find a place that was designed to care for him. God lead us to just the right place and in February of 2016 we were able to get him in the school. When we visit him, we also visit some of the 800 children in the special needs school. This school is an amazing ministry with some incredible kids!

It was early night for the 8 weary travelers. Tomorrow we will represent Fox River in 3 different churches connected with our ministries. Guy will be speaking at our sister church, Crossroads Fellowship. Team members will be in Vipingo and Pastor Allan's church in Majioni. 

Thank you for praying for us and for the rest of the team that will be departing on Sunday to join us!