Group B
Group B is waiting to board their 2nd flight and will land in Chicago around 2:30pm tomorrow!
Group A
Group A has safely made it back to the states and will be back in Waukesha here shortly.
Heres what God has done in Lisa's life this week:
On my finally day in Kenya, I have an opportunity to reflect back on all that has happened. I have been blessed to have traveled with a great group that I now can call my friends. We worked together. We played together. We prayed together. I am grateful.
The work that is going on here is amazing. I have seen so much good. As much as the children and teachers said that we blessed them, I felt that I was the one blessed.
I think that one of the coolest things that I was able to experience was visiting the homes of two boys that I had the pleasure of working with. We met their mothers, got to see where the boys did their homework, where they prepared their meals, and how far they had to walk to get water. They were so appreciative for the opportunity to know Jesus and to have an education. For as little as these people have, they are full of joy. It really is beautiful.
So, today I leave a little bit of my heart in Kenya. But I also take a little bit of Krenya with me. God is good.
We love the stories that come from our trips and can't wait to share more! God is working and we are so blessed to be a part of it!
See you soon!