Good evening everyone, Nikki here! Just past 9 pm here in Kenya, mid afternoon back home in Wisconsin. We just finished up dinner and a meeting with the group + Jenna and O’Neal. Everyone is heading to bed and I’m right behind them after I write this.
Can I just say WOW, God is good! Today was incredible, just like the beginning of the week. Less emotional than yesterday but just as fun and rewarding. We woke up this morning and had breakfast, got on the bus around 8:45am and headed over to Valerye McMillan high school. This is a private high school that most students from primary schools go to after 8th grade.
When we arrived we were greeted with rain, and lots of it, pretty much all day. But we did not let that get in the way!
We met the principal, Eve, and some of the amazing teachers, helped put together bags of corn starch for one of the activities and hung around for a bit while it rained. We eventually were introduced to 6 beautiful young ladies that split us into 2 groups and gave us a tour of the school. They took us to every classroom to meet all the students, showed us the computer lab, science lab and the dorms where the majority of the students are housed. I was blown away at the cleanliness and good quality of the school. We wrapped the tour up with morning tea and bread.
Next was the assembly the school had for us, which was nothing short of amazing. We worshipped together, had introductions from the staff and ourselves, heard from great student singers and then they put on a traditional dance that lasted forever! I cannot imagine the energy these kids have to be moving for as long as they did and with such passion.
After that was the best part, lunch! Prepared by a talented group of woman was a buffet lunch which we enjoyed intertwined with the teachers. We got to know each other over a delicious meal.
We had to eat sort of quickly in order to prepare for the afternoon activities. We had 4 stations that all the students rotated through. We had a tic tac toe relay race that I personally helped with (along with Abby and Gina). Then there was Oobleck, an equal mix of corn starch/water where it’s liquid when left at rest and solid when you play with it, that was paired with a Bible verse. Another one was the Minute to Win It games that we used the last 2 days with the staff members. And lastly, student were given masking tape, popsicle sticks and cotton balls to build a bridge that had to withstand weight. The students had a BLAST. It may have gotten a little bit competitive at times but that’s okay!
It was overall a great day. We got to see the Lord work in every single one of us and I’m personally humbled by everyone I’ve met here thus far. It’s time to head to bed, thanks for reading! God Bless!
Fox River sponsored high school students
Tea and bread with butter. A special treat for these teens.
Traditional dance
Nikki giving out a new pair of socks.
The architects are building a bridge.