Brian and Rachel Weed started Familia Avance Nicaragua in March of 2002 and have raised their three daughters Karly, Abi, and Brynna while doing the ministry God called them to.
The Weed Family
Donna Woodson joined the Weeds in Nicaragua in Janruary of 2004 and has been serving along side the Weeds for 12 years.
Donna Woodson
Familia Advance Nicargua
Familia Advance Nicargua began as a church planting ministry and kicked off in May of 2003 with their first plant in the city of Managua. Since then they have planted 9 churches across the country of Nicaragua. Now Familia Avance Nicaragua has expanded beyond church planting to feeding centers, sports outreach programs, teen outreach programs, Rancho Nicaragua (a working farm which is being developed into a camp/retreat center), a Christian school (classes will start in 2017), seminary, and a medical clinic. Their ministry continues to grow as they follow the direction in which God is leading.
Churches Planted in Nicaragua
Partnership with Fox River
In 2004 the mission started a church in the very remote community of La Esmeralda. In the spring of 2009 Pastor Guy along with some others took a survey trip to Nicaragua and met up with Brian where they were extremely convinced through God's promptings that Fox River was to partner in starting the medical clinic in La Esmeralda. We broke ground for the medical clinic in the fall of that same year. The medical clinic opened its doors in June of 2011, since the doors opened it has impacted the lives of over 32,000 people that did not have the medical care necessary. Not only has it impacted their physical lives but also their spiritual well-being as the medical clinic partners with the church, each person who visits the clinic receives the gospel message before being treated. Fox River also partners with the church in their sports outreach program which gives opportunity to reach even more people of that same community. We are so excited to watch God continue to work and grow these ministries. What a blessing to be a small part in God's grand plan of reaching the nations!
Clinic in La Esmeralda, Nicaragua