Go into all the world and preach the gospel! (with mosquito nets!)
"God is so good! Today we had the privilege to go with our Kenyan partners into the villages to hang mosquito nets in homes. Jessie and I were traveling with Nicole (a teacher from Vipingo). One of our last visits housed an elderly grandmother who was very ill. After hanging her net in a small dark room (while she was still in her bed) Nicole asked her if she knew Jesus, and then had the opportunity to share the gospel. Right there, lying in her bed, she asked Jesus to be her Savior! What a beautiful, precious moment to witness this dear women becoming a believer and knowing she will spend her eternity in the presence of Jesus! I am in awe of the privilege of being used by Jesus. Please continue to pray for God's working in and through us!"
Another member of God's family!
Many homes were visited, families prayed over, the gospel shared and hearts that began their relationship with God. For this opportunity, we are so thankful! Thank you to each of you who donated to purchase a net for a family in Kenya. Lives will be spared from malaria and souls will enter heaven because of your generosity. Thank you!