Pizza Anyone?

We have a graduation tradition that we always look forward to as a team each year which the graduates do enjoy as well. 


One of our final activities with our graduates from our two elementary schools in an outing. We all get to go to a pizza place and make our own pizzas. The exciting thing about this activity is, our Fox River teams take groups of about 4-5 students plus some teachers, into the kitchen at Dominoes Pizza and we each get to make our own pizza. 


Can you imagine how cool and exciting this is for our kids?  This activity gives our staff team an opportunity to create fun memories with the students before they go into their next adventures in High School.


I got a chance to ask one of the girls to show me her pizza for her box was closed so I wanted to see if she had finished it already. To my surprise, she had eaten only two pieces and saved the rest to take home. I asked her why and she said, “I am taking this home to my mother because she has never had pizza in her life.” Lets hope it got home to her mom. 


Our students have grown and it is clear that they are ready both emotionally and academically for an amazing new season of education. Most of the education programs are set up in boarding institutions so you can imagine this is a huge change for them.


​Now we get to do this again on Thursday with the graduating class from New Life Academy. Stay tuned for the fun moments of the pizza making adventures.