Our medical team has been processing their trip since they arrived home last Saturday. We wanted to share some of their experiences with you.
Hear from Lisa:
Going on the mission trip to Africa has helped me to become more appreciative of the many gifts and blessings God has given me. I have realized that there are many things in my life that I take for granted. Things that the people in Kenya may never have the opportunity to experience or enjoy. Working with the children last week has taught me important lessons about humility. I feel that I have grown as a person and a Christian. I am so very grateful to have had this experience.
And from Adam:
In my past, I was blessed to be in full time ministry for 5 years in the United States. During that time, I also had a desire to do international missions work. God specifically put Africa on my heart. When Fox River and my mom decided to go to Kenya, Africa this year, it was evident to me that God was opening a path for me to go as well.
Upon arriving in Africa and working with the children at the schools, I realized that these children were not attending school just for an education, they were attending for survival. Most of the children would get their only meals of the day at school. Many of them were barefoot and only received shoes if the school was able to provide them, and the only time most would receive medical care was when the missions team went over. These communities were in desperate need of basic necessities.
Looking back, I am grateful we had such an amazing team and leadership. It seems that the bonds that were created will last a lifetime. My experience opened my eyes to how truly blessed we are here to have certain comforts and luxuries. With that said, I also realized how much we take for granted here in America. Those children seem to be just as happy as the children I’ve seen in our schools, but yet with so much less. Many say that the person serving gets more than the person they served. This certainly rang true for me during this trip. I played a small role in helping thousands of people during our trip, but at the same time those thousands ministered to me without even knowing. In one trip I was humbled, blessed, broken, and full. I look forward to going back and doing my part to help meet these communities' needs and spread God’s love to his children.
Thank you for your prayers and continued support for both our missions teams and mission partners in Kenya and Nicaragua. We couldn't take these trips without you.