Spoons and Pop Rocks

Caleb made the daily phone call on Tuesday evening. Here are some of the highlights from his call:

  • During field day, Luke scored one of the 2 goals in the soccer match. That's a pretty big accomplishment in a country where soccer rules!
  • Monday evening, our team taught the Nica team how to play spoons.
  • The Nica team had their first experience with Pop Rocks from America. (I hope there are pictures to come from that experience!)
  • VBS Tuesday ended up being at a different school than they planned. It worked out fine, because this school required some hiking with their equipment and it was a beautiful, clear day for hiking. Many children asked to speak with someone about salvation after the Bible story.
  • Tuesday afternoon they distributed hygiene packs to homes. This outreach is physically taxing because they have to hike up and down the mountain to get to these homes. It is a great opportunity for our team to have personal interactions with people in the community. While in the homes they used the wrist bands that say "Faith, Hope, Love" in Spanish and tracts to share the gospel. They were warmly received and had the opportunity to pray with each family. 

Today the team will travel to another nearby community for a VBS in the school and distribution of hygiene packs in the surrounding area. They are staying healthy and have had great weather. 

Please continue to pray for them specifically today:

  • Health, safety & energy
  • Continued good weather
  • To finish strong these last 2 intensive days of ministry
  • For the gospel to be openly received in the hearts of the children and families they will touch

Thank you for taking this journey along side of this mighty David team!
