There is an African proverb that says: If you want to go quickly, walk alone - if you want to go far, walk with others.
New Life academy teaching staff.
Crossroads academy teaching staff.
During the term break the teachers from Vipingo and Bomani had a great opportunity of building unity and team work as we set the tone for the year.
Plenary Session
We had an opportunity to go and spend some time playing games and learning together as we reignite the vision and purpose of why we do what we do ...
Together we get work done faster and smarter.
Our schools create so much more than a chance for primarily unprivileged families to give their loved children a great education ... but also a chance to know who Jesus is. And how people who follow Him act and live their lives. When we build ourselves as a team we enhance our output and rediscovered our different strengths and weaknesses and see how best to put them to use for the glory of Christ.
Nothing beats unity of purpose and prayer.
Schools are back in session for 6 weeks before we close the first term - may these weeks bear much fruit.