The school for primary school teachers in Mombasa
In today’s society, education is the key to a better life. Here in Kenya, education is the only way out of poverty and other social ills. I write this with a great deal of pride for we have a graduate in our midst!
The lady of the day, Nicole Opiyo
This is Nicole Opiyo, one of our grade 1 teachers, who graduated after further studies in Early Child Development. This means she adds another accolade to her industrious and selfless love for the Children.
A smile of great achievement
A graduation is a pivotal point in anyone’s life and for us, this is our success for when one wins we all win.
Teacher Nicole was the first teacher that Crossroads Academy hired. She walked with the administration into the community we serve to find the first class of students.
Head Teacher, James, and Jenna were present to celebrate Nikole’s success
She is dedicated to the school’s success and the students who have graduated from our school have come back whith joy to sit and talk with her. She is a mother to all and a teacher to those fortunate to land in her class.
Nicole’s family and colleagues
We thank you for your servants heart, Nicole - and once again, congratulations!