

Our Nicaragua team is ready for a busy spring.  Check out how you can be a part...

Spring Cleaning Rentals

Do you have any spring clean up, normal clean up, things that need to be fixed up?  We have a team looking for support and ready to do any kind of job.  

April 24th-May 9th rent some students (and adults) to come help you out around the house, yard, barn, neighborhood...

You can contact Pastor Mike - - if you have any questions or go ahead and schedule a team here

All donations (which are tax deductible) will go to helping our Fox River Students go to Nicaragua this June to join in on God's work!  


And....  5k Run for Love!! 

IT'S BACK!!!   Have you been training??  

Saturday, May 20th!  Don't miss it!!

Runners, Walkers.... EVERYONE!!!  


Register here!!

Each registration will fund a hygiene pack that will be given out in the communities surrounding the clinic and support the team in getting to Nicaragua!  

Whats in a hygiene pack? 

  • Toothbrushes
  • toothpaste
  • fingernail clippers
  • comb
  • bar of antibacterial soap
  • wash clothe
  • antibiotic ointment
  • shampoo
  • water bottle
  • razor
  • sewing kit
  • sanitary pads
  • Deodorant 
  • band-aids
  • laundry detergent

These packs will give the team the opportunity to pray with families in their homes, to go and give a free gift as an example of the gift Christ has for us.  We are able to bless them with these hygiene items and share the love of Christ with them in doing so.  These items, although simple to us, will bring life change!! 


One more thing... Will you help us spread the word??  SHARE WITH YOUR FRIENDS AND FAMILY.... your neighbors, that guy on the treadmill next you at the gym, the lady in front of you at the grocery store, the clerk checking you out, the barista at Starbucks, your mechanic, the attendant at the Target fitting room, your Facebook friends, Instagram or Twitter followers, your hairstylist... Word will travel fast when were all talking about it!!!  Let that sharing, grammin, booking, snapping, chatting, tweeting, inviting begin!!!



New Uniforms!

Sponsorship for a child in Kenya provides everything they need for a great Christian education. That includes uniforms which are required by all schools in Kenya. It's always exciting when the students receive new uniforms. This year there was a redesign of the uniforms at Crossroads Academy in Vipingo and the children are very excited! They wanted you to know how much it means to them.

"Thank you, Fox River, for my uniform. God bless you!"

Example of uniforms for younger boys and girls.

Example of uniforms for younger boys and girls.

Thank you for your generous, life changing sponsorship!

Example of uniforms for older girls and boys. I heard that the boys had a lot of fun learning how to tie a tie!

Example of uniforms for older girls and boys. I heard that the boys had a lot of fun learning how to tie a tie!

See What We've Done...


Our medical team has been processing their trip since they arrived home last Saturday. We wanted to share some of their experiences with you.


Hear from Lisa:

Going on the mission trip to Africa has helped me to become more appreciative of the many gifts and blessings God has given me. I have realized that there are many things in my life that I take for granted. Things that the people in Kenya may never have the opportunity to experience or enjoy. Working with the children last week has taught me important lessons about humility. I feel that I have grown as a person and a Christian. I am so very grateful to have had this experience.




And from Adam:

In my past, I was blessed to be in full time ministry for 5 years in the United States. During that time, I also had a desire to do international missions work. God specifically put Africa on my heart. When Fox River and my mom decided to go to Kenya, Africa this year, it was evident to me that God was opening a path for me to go as well.


Upon arriving in Africa and working with the children at the schools, I realized that these children were not attending school just for an education, they were attending for survival. Most of the children would get their only meals of the day at school. Many of them were barefoot and only received shoes if the school was able to provide them, and the only time most would receive medical care was when the missions team went over. These communities were in desperate need of basic necessities.


Looking back, I am grateful we had such an amazing team and leadership. It seems that the bonds that were created will last a lifetime. My experience opened my eyes to how truly blessed we are here to have certain comforts and luxuries. With that said, I also realized how much we take for granted here in America. Those children seem to be just as happy as the children I’ve seen in our schools, but yet with so much less. Many say that the person serving gets more than the person they served. This certainly rang true for me during this trip. I played a small role in helping thousands of people during our trip, but at the same time those thousands ministered to me without even knowing. In one trip I was humbled, blessed, broken, and full.  I look forward to going back and doing my part to help meet these communities' needs and spread God’s love to his children.


Thank you for your prayers and continued support for both our missions teams and mission partners in Kenya and Nicaragua. We couldn't take these trips without you.

Medical Team arrives home

The team arrived home safe and sound yesterday. We had no problems in travel, and were all happy to arrive home to our loved ones. As difficult as it was to leave Kenya, we are glad to get back to our families.



Landing in Istanbul, beautiful country



The team shared many good memories serving in Kenya over the last week. We also shared many good memories with each other and our Kenyan team. We went as a team and became a family that depended on each other, supported each other, listened to each other, and comforted each other. As we settle back into our lives I know we will continue to be there for each other, and continue to serve others through Fox River. I would be pleased to have each and every person join me on future mission trips. 

Last day in Kenya

Today we spent our last day in Bomani, where the people are as beautiful as the countryside landscape. 



Over 425 patients were seen today, which included 3 cardiac murmurs that require follow up. We were happy to have Dr. Gome with us today, who managed to get a cardiac consult and echos set up for next week for these children with a colleague of his.



Ear lavages were very much in need  



Roger's health education talk on growth and development with the older boys



Andrea and Joe teaching First Aid/CPR to the teachers



Sue and Debbie providing health education related to pregnancy and postpartum  



We have a little fun during these long hot days too! 


Another picture from the prenatal class  



A few reminders today about the importance of inspection. Another one was a visual thrill observed on one of the children with a cardiac murmur   



We were so happy to have Dr. Maranga with us this week, providing some much needed dental care. 


These ladies and Adam really kept the clinic flow running smoothly for us! 


End of the day, exhausted, but very grateful. 



A few team members did a great job with our team, much needed  



We were happy to hand some out to the community who came to the clinic



It was perfect ending to our trip.  

Day 4 in Kenya - Valerye McMillan High School - Majaoni

Today the team got back to work and was able to spend time with the high schoolers. We enjoyed the time we had getting to know them a bit, and helping them with their medical issues.  

Sue and Debbie also did a health education topic related to female growth and development, followed by Dr. Jane teaching about preventing HIV and STI's.  



Roger spoke with the boys about male growth and development, followed by Dr Wara and Dr Stanley spoke to the boys about prevention of HIV and STI's  



The students were very receptive to the information and were engaged in the talks. 

The community was also seen in the clinic today. Over 350 people were provided with medical care.  



Those of us who were on the 2014 medical trip were so happy to have Dr Beverly with us again! 



Joe, new to the medical team, was a great help. He was always willing to do anything asked of him to help the flow of the clinic. Definitely operating with a servant's heart. Very thankful to have him on this team!



The team really enjoyed the day, and loved meeting the high schoolers. We recognized some familiar faces from the previous medical trips when they were in the elementary schools. As we wrapped up our 2nd to last day, I think we all are surprised and sad that we are almost done here. Our last day will be tomorrow in Bomani. I know we will all be wishing for a little more time here in Kenya. 

Day 3 in Kenya - out and about

Today the medical team enjoyed an extra hour of sleep and then off for a busy day of shopping, lunch and a tour.  

Our first stop was a school for children with disabilities. We went there to visit Hanzie, a former student at Crossroads Academy in Vipingo. He was transferred here last year in order to receive more appropriate education and care. 



Hanzie with Chris and Katie. 



First time I met Hanzie, 2010. 



Pastor John from Vipingo



Hanzie remembered Roger



Patrick the Principal was kind enough to give us a tour



Hanzie's teacher 



Making friends as we take a look around  


Some of the children are in a vocational training program where they are taught to make things for resale. We did some of our souvenir shopping here.  



Dorms where the children stay. 



This class room was for people with hearing and sight impairments. 



This was an eye-opening experience that we all felt grateful to have been witness to. We left there feeling happy to have met some really special people, and with the knowledge that Hanzie is in really good hands. But also with a heavy heart because we want to do so much more.


We also did some souvenir shopping and got to pick out some great Kenyan gifts for our loved ones and people who donated toward the trip expense. we appreciate the hard work and craftsmanship that goes into these items. 

Bag one of Chris and Katie's bag-o-gifts from the wood carvers shop

Bag one of Chris and Katie's bag-o-gifts from the wood carvers shop



Girl Guides in Shanzu, a transitional workshop for ladies with disabilities.  


We had a great day in the Mombasa area and very much look forward to getting back to work tomorrow. 

Medical Day 2 - Crossroads Academy in Vipingo

Day 2 for the medical team was another great day, seeing over 470 patients. The medical conditions were similar to day 1. Again we were so happy to have a few more Kenyan medical professionals work beside us. We open our minds to receive valuable clinical information from them, as they are the experts in their country. 


Dr. Stanley


Katie & Chris, second year on the medical team. A great pharmacist and an amazing couple to be around! Mark & Bev, our wonderful pastor couple who we have been very happy to have on the medical team each year. (Mark is a little sad that he isn't applying fungistat this year)

The pharmacy is not so busy again on day 2, I think thats a great sign the kids are getting healthier each year. 


Roger.... what can I say.... he's been a great part of the team for years and we appreciate him so much! 


Andrea, certainly a wonderful addition to the medical team this year! Grateful! 


We've been blessed several years having Dr. Ellen join us, she teaches us so much and has a very kind and humble heart  


Laura, another great addition to the team this year! She and her daughter Abby have been so great at getting everyone through the registration area and Laura brushed up on her manual blood pressures! 


Lisa, such a kind-hearted new addition to the team. She is so fortunate to have been able to share this mission trip experience with her son Adam (below).


Adam took charge and rocked the height/weight station! (As well as entertaining the children). It has been such a pleasure getting to know Adam & Lisa! 


Medical Day 1 - Good News Academy in Majaoni

The team was ready early for a full day of medical work. We began our day arriving in Majaoni at 8:00am. 

We were greeted very kindly by old friends and new faces. Since we had so many practitioners seeing patients (7 US, 5 Kenyan), we were able to see over 450 patients today. The main health issues seen today were pretty standard, having seen them each year during these medical camps. The conditions include respiratory illnesses, lower GI, fungal skin infections, dehydration, hip & back pain, and headaches. Everyone worked so hard to provide quality care in our basic medical camp we set up at the school. The practitioners worked so well together, consulting with each other, teaching one another, and providing encouragement and laughter throughout the day.  

The pharmacy was managed well by Katie and a few Kenyan pharmacy professionals. As you can see, there was was actually downtime this year. We are not used to that, as the pharmacy is usually the busiest place to be!   


Medical Team Arrival in Kenya

The rest of the medical team arrived in Mombasa early this morning. They checked into the hotel and were able to get a couple hours of rest before we started our day with church at Crossroads Fellowship, as a full team. Following service we had fellowship and a traditional Kenyan lunch with our Kenyan partners. We spent time getting to know the doctors, clinical officers, pharmacists, and interpreters from our Kenyan team. We are very excited to serve alongside them beginning tomorrow in Majaoni. Without them, we know we wouldn't be able to do all that God has in mind for us.  

Following the luncheon we headed back to the hotel for some rest and then off to Nakumatt for supplies. We wrapped up the afternoon sorting through our supply suitcases and getting organized for tomorrow. The exhausted team had some dinner and then turned in for the night. We will all be fresh and ready to tend to hundreds of people tomorrow who are in need of basic health care, dental care and reading glasses. We are ready to get to work!



Pastor Mark talking to the medical team about humbly serving, tied into Pastor Jim's message during service today. 
