Full days and full hearts

We have had a couple full and wonderful days!

One of our favorite things to do here on the blog is have team members share with you. Stevie, Kim, and Nicole L are sharing today and we will post some bonus pictures below…

“My heart was over flowing today when I was able to meet the student I sponsor through fox river's my gift for Jesus. We live so far apart but God brought us together this week in Kenya!” ~Stevie

“I can’t begin to share all the different emotions and experiences on this missions trip after just 3 days, having the opportunity to meet my sponsor child (Rose) but I’ve also had the pleasure of seeing what just $25 a month can do in the lives of these children, families and schools. I’ve seen it first hand and now I want to sponsor Rose’s sister too! Jesus is Strong, mighty and faithful in any language, and I’m forever grateful for the opportunity to witness his work and provision for these beautiful new friends!” ~Kim

“Today was another awesome day filled with God’s goodness and love. The students we meet love to dance, play, and laugh with us. Here are some smiles and dancing from the day - there were thousands more smiles shared and hundreds more memories that we all will cherish!

We also got to meet our sponsor students! Meet Karen, she is 6, in grade 1, and is as cute as ever! Here’s her dad, cousin, and many friends in the community. We got to pray together at the end. If you think of Karen and these others students and community, please pray that they continue to know how much Jesus loves them!

And the teachers ARE incredible!
To all my educator friends out there following this blog, get this…. The teachers leave all their students (about 36 in a classroom), pp1 (our 4k) through 8th grade in their classrooms, alone to continue learning or on break outside (recess) while they ALL meet for breakfast and lunch together. And the kids, they stay listening and learning without harm or chaos!!

So, being a social worker in education and helping with many behaviors both in the classroom, l and outside of it I asked - how can this happen? And the teacher I spoke to share about how much their Pastor is involved in meaningful conversations with the children about God’s love for them and how to behave.

Being in public education back home I find that being told you can’t talk about Jesus leaves me feeling sad. One teacher today told me, as a follower of Christ you can’t help but want to share Jesus all the time. And it’s true, Jesus is the way-my way to be the best educator and person I can. These teachers and kids at Bomani know and love God and they are thriving in their education! It’s full of life, hope, joy, and love at New Life school in Bomani, Africa. And my prayer and hope is to bring this type of joy that only comes from the Lord to the students and staff I work at when I return!” ~Nicole L