Kenya Team 2024

The team has gathered for last several months to prepare and get to know each other. We have sat in meetings discussing all things about traveling, what fun things we will do with our sponsored students, the experiences we will get to have, we have prepared our hearts by spending time in the Word, we have prayed for the mission and for each other… we came together to live out the Fox River mission ‘A Heart for People and a Message of Jesus’.

This past weekend we gathered for our last pre trip meeting, packing day, and team commissioning. This weekend is the last checkpoint before we take off!!

Packing day is always one that comes with a bit of stress wondering if we will get all of our supplies neatly sorted and into our limited space. And yet, each and every time God says ‘watch this’ and we get it all and then some packed and ready to go serve the people of Kenya! We cannot wait to use these supplies to love and bless the kiddos and staff at the schools!

Another special moment is when the team is commissioned by the Fox River congregation. This moment always reminds us that Fox River people are what make these trips and this mission possible! Without the generosity and prayers of those of you right here at home, these things would not be happening. Thank you for allowing and sending this team to represent so many of you!

Pastor Guy and Denise left this past weekend and have arrived in Kenya safely. Pastor Guy will spend the week teaching and pouring into Pastors at the pastors conference and connecting with partners. Denise will be meeting with our partners and preparing for the team to arrive.

The team will start our journey on Sunday, July 21.

We will be posting here and on the Fox River Missions, Facebook and instagram pages. Follow along!