2014 - Nicaragua Medical Trip

The Two Jims

Jim F. seeing a patient and Jim P. giving moral support. :)13

Jim F. uses such a caring and kind demeanor with patients.

A word from Jim: We arrived safely in Nicaragua after a long journey that left us tired and drained. Not knowing what to expect, the challenges have been placed before us. Our Nicaraguan hosts have made us feel quite welcome. It has been a very different experience than serving in Kenya, and just as rewarding. As we read from scripture this morning, "The Son of Man came not to be served, but to serve others." With God's guidance we will put aside the quirks that make us individuals and come together as a team that brings the helping hand of our Lord to His children in La Esmeralda. I feel that our first day in the clinic has been a success with even better yet to come!


From Rosie: Today we were able see 51 patients in the clinic. Common diagnoses included chronic pain, headaches, UTI, and common cold. The sun was up by 6am. By 7:00 we headed to the clinic, which was a beautiful 10 minute walk. 5 This pond is in front of the dorm.

Breakfast was first with eggs and fresh fruit. The coffee, grown locally, was amazing! We met with the Nicaraguan team and discussed the details for the day. Everyone worked great as a team and learned from each other. 6 Jodie & Jim working hard. 7 Kevin doing a dressing change on a compound tib-fib fracture, working around the external fixator. 8 Steve 9 Michelle taking vitals. 10 Candy at the intake station. 11 The Pharmacy 12 Jodie, patient consultation, and her translator, Angel.


From Rosie: We arrived in Managua at 1:15pm. The ride north, with 2 quick stops, took 5 hours. We arrived at the clinic just before dark and enjoyed a delicious home cooked meal of chorizo, rice & beans, avocado, salsa, bread & fresh fruit (fabulous chocolate cake for dessert). Following dinner we went to our dormitory. They ran a generator so we could have light for a short time to get settled and find our lanterns. After hanging our mosquito nets and making our beds, everyone was sound asleep by 9:00. It was a long day, but everyone was very excited to start the medical work the next day. 1 The path to our dorm. 2 The front porch of our dorm. 3 The girl's dorm. 4 Michelle reading with one of the books that was donated.

And they're off!

The team left Fox River around 3am this morning. They traveled by bus to O'Hare. The first flight to Miami went smoothly with the exception of having to gate check their carry on luggage. As I write this, they are in Miami waiting to board the flight to Mangua. Please pray that all of their luggage arrives with them. They will depart Managua as soon as they arrive and begin the 3+ hour bus ride to La Esmeralda.