
Thursday one of last days here in La Esmeralda…

We started our day with a delicious breakfast. To our delight, they served pancakes & fresh fruit and they also put out the Nutella again as a special treat! After filling our bellies, we headed to our church in La Esmeralda for our third and final VBS. We are really getting good at this now! The music team lead us in high energy songs. The craft team decorated bucket hats, the sports team played fun games and we can’t forget the Bible story of David & Goliath. Spending one on one time with the people of Nicaragua has been life changing- For ALL of us! You can see the joy and the delight in the faces of everyone involved. Hearts are being filled with the love of Jesus.

The girls spent the afternoon together celebrating with a luau. Tania shared a devotional. We also painted nails & made bracelets. Kerri & Sydney treated us to a live performance of Rescue. There were a lot of giggles shared amongst our team.

The boys spent the afternoon playing games! It was a sports day for them. They played baseball and of course- MORE soccer! Caleb lead the devotional for the guys. Fun was had by all.

We had our final church service tonight. The services have touched my heart in a special way. The Nica’s sing louder than the worship leader. Being surrounded by them in the church as their singing filled the room- it didn’t matter that we don’t speak the same language- it was breathtaking! We all heard a special message from Pastor Jason! His message was translated for the community by Tyler, the church Missionary. The message was simple and clear- it’s not just about our belief in Jesus- it’s also about making the choice to FOLLOW Jesus.

Serve like Jesus & love like Jesus.

~ Nicole