Rain, Rain Here to Stay

After lunch, we headed out to the soccer field, which was an open grass area where horses roamed. As soon as we got there, it began to rain. But, the rain doesn't stop us, not in Nicaragua. We grabbed some soccer balls and had some fun. I'm pretty sure just about everyone left muddy and wet. We had tons of fun enjoying the rain, even if we weren't playing and just cheering on. The cold and wetness of today's soccer experience did not stop us from from getting to know each other more and build relationships with people all around us. Also taught us to be patient as we waited for showers afterward. -Sara Powers


Today for our VBS opportunity, we walked to the church that we are familiar with here in Nicaragua. I enjoyed today's VBS because we recognized the kids, and could strengthen our relationships with them even more. I felt very welcomed and comfortable with the people at this church when we worked with them all day. First, we sang songs with them in Spanish. I still enjoyed it even though I didn't fully understand what the songs were saying. The love that the kids show is so powerful, and it opened my eyes that Gods love has no language. After songs, we played games with them, taught them the story of Jericho and made some crafts. It was a good day! -Megan Price
